Monday, October 17, 2005

Dan's Constitution (rev) part 2

Article 7: The Speaker of the Assembly

1. The Speaker shall chair meetings of the Assembly, according to the rules laid down by the Council of State and this Constitution.

2. The Speaker shall chair all commissions of inquiry.

3. The Speaker shall have an office and a staff, supported by the contributions of all Member Nations.

Article 8: The Mediator of the Commonwealth

1. The Mediator of the Commonwealth shall be Elizabeth Windsor and Her Heirs and Successors in accordance with the Act of Settlement of 1701.

2. The Mediator shall be President of the Council of State.

3. The Mediator shall have the right to address the Assembly of the Common House

4. Any subject or citizen of a members state, who having exhausted his legal remedies under the laws of his government, shall have the right to appeal to the Mediator on the grounds that his state is denying him the ancient liberties outlined in Article 2.

5. When a subject or citizen appeals to the Mediator of the Commonwealth, she shall appoint a panel of inquiry composed of three subjects or citizens of member states one of whom shall be a member of the assembly. The panel of inquiry shall investigate and make a report to the Mediator of the Commonwealth who shall make the report a matter of public record.

6. If a member nation has been found by a panel of inquiry to have violated the rights of its citizens more than 10 times in 5 years, then upon receiving a request by motion of either the Council of State or the Assembly, the Mediator shall appoint a commission of inquiry which shall investigate weather the member is persistently violating the ancient liberties of our people. If the commission finds that the member is persistently violating the ancient liberties of our people they shall report this fact along with suggested steps the member can take to remedy the problem to the Mediator of the Commonwealth who shall inform the representative of that member to the Council of State. The commission of inquiry shall continue to meet for the next three years or until it determines that the problem has been corrected. If at the end of three years, the member is still persistently violating the ancient liberties of our people, the commission shall determine that the violations are persistent and willful.

7. A commission of inquiry shall be chaired by the speaker of the assembly and shall include, two members of the Council of State, four members of the Assembly, two judges from member counties other than the one under investigation, and four other members. All members shall with in the limits of the forgoing be appointed at the discretion of the Mediator.

Article 9: Anglosphere Network Organisations

Any group of Member Nations, that includes at least one founding member, may form a Network Organisation within the Commonwealth by,
submitting through delegates a joint assertion by the Assembly,
committing through their representatives on the Council of State.

To qualify as an Commonwealth Network the organisation must:
have one or more founding members as a member or have a majority of members and the support of the Mediator,
base its headquarters within the Offices of the Common House.

All network organisations must:
report regularly and honestly to the Council of State and Assembly of the Common House, according to the rules of those Houses.

All network organisations may:
set more binding conditions on membership rules than that of the Commonwealth
require sovereign action of states according to the constitution of the organisation
have whatever powers over their own member nations as are granted to them by those member nations

All network organisations must not:
accept or at any time have as members nations not members of the Commonwealth.

Article 10. Powers of the Common House

The Common House will levy no financial or other obligations on its member nations or citizens other than contributions for the administration of the Common House.

The Common House has no power to make binding law or regulation over it's member nations.

The Common House may not require or forbid action of its members

The Common House may not delay, or submit requirements to complete, the withdrawal of membership of any member state.

The Council of State of the Common House may compel representatives of any Organisation to appear before it and speak honestly, though they may not force disclosure.

Article 11. Joint Responsibility

The Common House will take no responsibility for the actions of the Member Nations or the Network Organisations

The Member Nations will not be required to respect, take responsibility for or support the actions of other Member Nations or Network Organisations of which they are not a member.

Joint responsibility may feature in the Constitutions of the Network Organisations.

Article 12: Founding Networks

The founding networks of the Commonwealth are the following organisations:
Anglosphere Treaty Organisation (ATO) The members of ATO shall, according to the constitution of ATO,
commit to mutual defence.
conclude defence cooperation agreements.

Anglosphere Free Trade Area (AFTA) The members of AFTA shall not, according to the constitution of AFTA,
impose tariffs, or quotas or restrictions of any kind upon the movement of goods and capital, save those aimed at lawbreakers

Anglosphere Common Law Area (ACLA) The members of ACLA shall, according to the constitution of ACLA,
develop protocols for interaction of contract law, financial law, credit law between themselves,
establish courts of arbitration for the resolution of disputes between citizens of different Nations.
empower ACLA to advise lawmakers on framing laws and regulations to ease interaction and trade.
not grant ACLA the power to set binding law or regulation

Anglosphere Free Residence Organisation (AFRO) The members of AFRO shall, according to the constitution of AFRO,
allow free residence and unlimited work permits to nationals of AFRO nations passing minimal conditions.
empower AFRO to advise on law and regulation to make this possible.
empower AFRO to provide "service passports" allowing equivalent government services to cross borders, or to be replaced by local services where appropriate.

Anglosphere Space Science Agency (ASSA).The members of ASSA shall, according to the constitution of ASSA,
merge their civilian space programs into the ASSA space program

Upon the establishment of the Commonwealth, Working committees of the Floor of the House will be established by the founding members to draft constitutions for each of the Founding Networks.

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