Sunday, June 12, 2005

On the Verge of Democide

Rallying the Anglosphere to Prevent Mass Murder in Zimbabwe Before it’s to Late

The Blogosphere is alive with posts here, here, and here (among many others) condemning the actions of Robert Mugabe who, having wrecked the economy of Zimbabwe, suppressed the opposition, and rigged elections is now beginning a systematic rurualization program reminiscent of Cambodia under Pol Pot. If he is not stopped mass starvation is going to stalk his country.

After the holocaust we said “never again”, but again and again governments have turned on their people and used starvation, guns and other implements of death to massacre their own people while the world looked on. After each new democide we said “never again” and added “this time we mean it.” Unfortunately this has not stopped democide. Now in Zimbabwe it is about to happen again.

It is clear that if we wait for the governments of the world to put a stop to the emerging democide in Zimbabwe, we will be waiting for ever. Unless we organize to stop it, the time democide will “never again” happen will be never. Only by arming the people of Zimbabwe can we stop this atrocity in the making.

The right of the English Speaking People to own arms to defend themselves against oppression is well established. Beginning with the Bill of Rights of 1688 and continuing into the U.S. Bill of Rights and the Bills of Rights of the States of the U.S. the right is enshrined in many Anglsophere Constitutions.

The right of the English Speaking People to revolt against oppressive governments was first enshrined in Magna Charta and was no where better said than in Article 10 of the New Hampshire Constitution, “Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.”

We have been discussing the ongoing crises in Zimbabwe for several years now. The talk has gone on long enough. The question we must now face is weather we wish to be complicit by omission in the coming democide. If we really mean “Never Again!” the time for idle talk is over and the time for action has come.

I propose the formation of a international committee to stop this democide in its tracks. The committee would raise money to a) publicize the plight of the Zimbabwean people b) organize protests outside Zimbabwean embassies world wide, c) buy small arms and ammunition for distribution to the people of Zimbabwe so they can resist and over throw the murderous Mugabe regime and d) buy food for distribution to the people of Zimbabwe to ameliorate the coming famine.

I hereby nominate: Glen Reynolds of Instapundit, who has kept the issue before us by linking to many stories about the crises; Perry de Havilland of Samizdata, who has written many articles about the crises; Michael J. Totten, who has been a blogosphere leader in promoting democracy; and Rudolph J. Rummel, the leading scholar of democide, to be the first members of the board of directors of an International Committee for the Relief and Liberation of Zimbabwe. I volunteer, if no one better can be found, to be the organization’s executive director.

I believe we need to find other people for the board of directors. One of the famous Nazi hunters or an important Holocaust scholar would be useful. A famous leader of the anti communist revolution such as Vaclav Havel or Lech Walesa would be another good idea.

We should also have an advisory board of the leaders from the various international organizations such as the International Society for Individual Liberty, the International Democrat Union, etc. This would give us increased institutional support..

There are many details that need to be worked out, but I think that if we put our minds to it, we can build an organization that will stop the looming democide in Zimbabawe.

I realize that I am an extremely new member of the blogosphere and that it is rather forward of me to make this proposal and to put well known bloggers in the hot seat by nominating them to lead this movement. However, some one has to make this proposal if we are going to do something about the Zimbabwe crises. I hope this post I taken in this spirit, as the beginning of the discussion of how to stop the coming democide in Zimbabwe.

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